Episode 31: Friday Affirmations

Another Friday, another 5 minutes of affirming some business goodness. This week, we are focusing on thoughts to help us feel good about our business and all the tasks we’ve accomplished in the recent past.

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    Hey friend, Liz Wilcox here speaking at the email sound booth. It is that time again, time for a little Friday affirmation. As always, I hope these help you find peace and pride in all the breaks you’ve laid this week. So settle in. We’re just going to do a five minute thing. I’ll say the affirmation and you simply say it back to yourself.

Personally, You already know I like to say it out loud, but that isn’t always the preference or the possibility. So I’ll let you to decide to repeat it in your head or out loud. And of course pay attention to the ones that give you a little pause. Make you hesitant or make you feel like, mm, not true.

Maybe journal on that if you have time today or just spend a few extra minutes at the end of the podcast dissecting that, okay? Are you ready? Let’s get started.

I have done more than what I can see on the surface.

Each task deserves celebration.

I am building my empire.

I am making myself proud.

It doesn’t matter what they see, I can see it.

My actions create prosperity.

I love what I do.

Doing the work is good for me.

I am one step closer to my financial goals.

This all proves that I am capable.

Intention helps me get things done.

I define my success.

I’m allowed to take things slowly.

Going slow allows for better results.

My goals are that much closer. The

work I did has made a difference.

The more action I take, The less fear I feel,

it will be what it will be.

I have a bias towards action.

I learn from each task I complete.

I grow with each task I complete.

Grace is a good friend of mine.

I honor my dreams by putting plans into motion.

I feel pride when I look behind at the things I’ve done.

My best looks different every day.

Okay, friend, I hope this has been helpful for you. I hope you have a great weekend or whatever day it is when you’re listening to this and come back to it anytime you need a little boost, a little recentering and grounding. I believe in your success so much and I can feel it in my bones.

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