Episode 16: Friday Affirmations

Another episode of Friday affirmations. I hope this helps you finish off the week with more peace and confidence. I’m rooting for you always. Oh, and this week? We are focusing on affirmations that will help us with SALES. After all, we don’t have a business without those.

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  Hey friend. Liz Wilcox speaking here at the Email Sound Booth. And it’s that time again. Time for a little Friday affirmation. As always, I hope these help you find peace and pride in all the bricks you’ve laid this week. And just a heads up. This week? We are focusing on SALES here.

So settle in. We’re just gonna do a 5 minute thing. I’ll say the affirmation and you simply say it back to yourself. Personally, I like to say it out loud. But I know that isn’t always the preference so I’ll let you decide to repeat it in your head or out loud. Up to you.

Oh. And pay attention to the ones that give you a little pause. Make you a little hesitant. Maybe journal on that or spend a few extra minutes at the end of the podcast dissecting that.

You ready? Let’s start.

I do what’s right for my business, despite what my fears say.

My doubts do not determine my actions.

People love my products and need me to share why they should buy them.

Selling is an act of service.

I’m tired of my people not having the things they need to improve.

I absolutely love when someone gives me money.

I am a money magnet.

Abundance is on the other side of my trepidation.

I have permission to market to this audience.

I am confident there are people on my email list that need to own this product.

I am confident there are people on my email list that are just waiting for me to pitch them this product.

People buy when they’re ready, therefore it is my job to make offers all the time.

I make offers all the time so those that are ready right now don’t get left behind.

Connections lead to conversions.

Opening up conversations now helps me close sales later.

If I am honest about the product, the sales will come.

I don’t have time to waste.

There are people out there that need my solutions.

I am honored to create these products and help these people.

My subscribers love my products and services so of course they buy them.

Okay, friend. I hope that helps you get through today and into the weekend with more peace and confidence. I’m rooting for you and I feel your success in my bones.

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